Showing 1–9 of 58 results
GST regi tration can be cancelled by the regi tered per on or by the GST officer, or by the regi tered per on' legal heir in ca e of
The ITR-2 Form i an income tax return form that i u ed by Indian citizen a well a the NRI to file their tax return with the Income
The Income Tax Act, 1961 tate that any per on falling under the purview of the tax act ha to pay tax on the income earned in a
Form 16 i a certificate that employer i ue to their employee It i a validation that the TDS ha been deducted and depo ited with the
Tax deducted at ource or TDS i the tax collected by the government of India at the time when a tran action take place In thi ca e, the
The Income Tax Department end variou notice like for not filing the income tax return, defect in the filing of the tax return , or
LLP or the Limited Partner hip i a combination of a limited and partner hip company Minimum two partner are required to incorporate an
A private limited company that ha been incorporated in India mu t en ure the compliance concerning the Companie Act, 2013 are adequately
A partner hip firm i a type of entity where more than one per on i carrying out bu ine under one entity Partner hip firm in India are