PF Return Filing

PF Return Filing


To promote the attitude of savings amongst the employees and also to benefit them during retirement a social security system of Provident fund was introduced. Contributions towards the PF are made by both the employer as well as the employee every month. The contribution made towards the PF can be only drawn by the employee only during the time of his or her employment, but there are a few exceptions.



PF Return Filing

To promote the attitude of savings amongst the employees and also to benefit them during retirement a social security system of Provident fund was introduced. Contributions towards the PF are made by both the employer as well as the employee every month. The contribution made towards the PF can be only drawn by the employee only during the time of his or her employment, but there are a few exceptions.

The employers that have PF registration have to file the PF returns monthly. The PF return filings are to be completed by the 25th of each month. Here we will talk about the various forms used for PF return filing in detail. The employers can easily file the PF return through the Unified portal.

Form 2

Form 2 is filed as a declaration and nomination under the Flagship scheme of the Employment Provident Fund and the Employment Family Pension Scheme. Form 2 must be filed by the employees who are joining the establishment. This form is to be submitted with Form 5. Form 2 is divided into 2 different parts.

Part A

Part A of Form 2 deals with nominating the recipients of the EPF balance of the particular account holder, in the event of his or her death. This part of the form must include the following details:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Relationship with the subscriber
  • Age
  • Sum of the money that is to be paid to the nominee
  • Guardian Details (In case the nominee is a minor)
This Part has to be signed or needs to have a thumb impression to be made at the end of the section.

Part B

The details of the nominee as already mentioned in Part A should also be included in Part B. Additionally, the details of the members who are eligible to receive the children/ widow pension must be furnished.

This Part again must be signed duly or a thumb impression has to be made at the end of the section.

Form 5

Form 5 is a monthly report that contains the details of the employees who are newly enrolled in the provident fund scheme. Form 5 must include the following details:
  • Organization’s Name
  • Address of the Organization
  • Code of the organization
  • Account number of the Employee
  • Name of the employee
  • Middle Name (Husband/Father)
  • Date of birth of the employee
  • Date of joining
  • Track record of the work.
The form is to be filed and stamped by the employer with the date of filing mentioned on it.

Form 10

It is a monthly report that includes the details of the employees who have ceased to be a part of the scheme on the given month. Form 10 includes the following details.
  • Account Number
  • Name of the employee
  • Name of the father or the husband
  • Date of leaving the service
  • Reason for leaving service.
Form 10 must be filed and stamped by the employer with the filing date of the form.

Form 12A

This Form 12 A is a report that contains the payment details that are contributed to the account of the respective employee in a particular month.

Annual PF Return Filing

The annual returns are to be filed by the 30th of April in a given year. The forms that are utilized for filing the annual PF returns are
  • Form 3A
  • Form 6A

Form 3A

The Form 3A depicts the month-wise contribution to the subscriber or members and the employers towards the Employee Provident Fund and the Employee Pension Fund in a year. The data is calculated by every member who is a part of the scheme. Additionally, the scheme will include the following details
  • Account Number
  • Name of the subscriber
  • Name of the father or the husband
  • Name and address of the establishment
  • The statutory rate of contribution
  • Voluntary contribution in case if there is any.
  • Form 3A must contain the signature and the seal of the employer.

Form 6A

Form 6A is a consolidated annual contribution statement that includes details about the annual contribution of each member of the establishment. The Form has to include the details as they are enumerated below:
  • Account number
  • Name of the members of the subscriber
  • Wages, retaining allowance if there is any, and the D.A that includes the cash value of the food concession that is paid during the currency period.
  • The amount of contribution that is deducted from the wages.
  • Employer’s contribution (Both EPF and Pension)
  • Refund of the advances
  • Rate of the higher voluntary contribution (If there is any)
  • Remarks
Besides this, the following details should also be included in the amount remitted column:
  • The month of the contribution
  • The remitted contribution that includes the refund of the advances
  • EDLI Contribution
  • Pension Fund Contribution
  • Administrative charges
  • Aggregate contributors.

Annual Account Statement

The employer has to file the PF returns through the above-mentioned forms, the Employee Provident Organization sends the annual account statement of each subscriber through the employer. The statement of the accounts will reflect the prevails the following details:
  • The opening balance of the contribution includes the interest of both the employer as well as employee.
  • The annual contribution of both the employer and the employee.
  • Interest that is earned on the contributions
  • A total number of contributions that are made by the employer and the employee.

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PF return filing for upto 10 employees.

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PF return filing for upto 30 employees.


General questions

All the employers who have obtained PF registration are required to do PF return filing on monthly basis. The PF returns are to be filed by the 15th of each month on the unified portal.

PF registration is mandatory for the employees who have a basic salary of dearness allowance is up to 15,000 and for those who are earning beyond Rs.15,000 it is not mandatory to get PF registration.

If the member has more than EPF member ID i.e EPF account and the EPF account of accounts have not been transferred to the latest EPF account, then the member is required to get the PF transferred into the current EPF account.

Offline transfer of the PF may be done only if the transfer from an exempted establishment to another exempted establishment. For other cases, it can be made online.

The due date for Monthly Challan remittance to the Bank for PF is the 15th of every month.

The due date for monthly PF returns is the 15th of the subsequent month.

The due date for yearly return filing is the 30th of April every year.


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